OYC minutes – Youth Mayor Making
Welcome and introduction: The Mayor (Cllr Chauhan OBE) entered the Council Chamber and was accompanied by the Chief Executive, retiring…
Welcome and introduction: The Mayor (Cllr Chauhan OBE) entered the Council Chamber and was accompanied by the Chief Executive, retiring…
Social Value of Oldham: YCllrs were visited by consultants from Social Value Portal, and a project manager from Muse. Muse…
Consultation planning: At the last priorities meeting, it was decided that there was no motion in the topics we chose…
Today was our first un-meeting of the term. This is where YCllrs split into four groups, with each group being…
Welcome, Apologies and Ice breakers: Today’s meeting was held in Council Chambers. The icebreaker was: Word association Neurodiversity Workshop –…
On 28th June 2017 T.Jay Turner officially handed over the Youth Mayor reigns to Mohammed Marouf Ahmed. T’Jay has done…
Welcome Amber started the meeting with an ice breaker. OYC Leadership Roles It was brought before the Youth Council…
Welcome Marouf started his final meeting as Chair with youth councillors sharing a piece of good news. Manchester Terror Attacks…
Welcome Apologies Adam H, George, Isabelle, Jess C, Melissa, Lydia, Nazmul, Jahanzeib, Marya, Samah, Georgia, Roshni, Jake. Oldham Pledge Suzy…
We had been invited to attend an Reception in Dining Room A of the Houses of Parliament. The reception was celebrate all things Make Your Mark and award the outstanding achievements of the BYC members.