OYC minutes – 21/08/2024
Oldham Town Centre Regeneration Project:
This was a follow-up session by Muse from their session a month ago regarding the Social Value of the regeneration project.
They proposed their plans to be completed by 2030, and asked YCllrs for their opinions on it.
Muse has formed a partnership with Oldham Council, and they are looking to build over 2000 new homes in the town centre over the next 15 years.
They reiterated what young people have mentioned what they want to see previously, in the Madhlo consultationConsultation is when members of an organisation gather information/feedback from members of the public or group on a project or scheme. and their past session with the Youth Council.
The issues raised by young people were:
- More youth focused spaces
- Increased safety
- More shops.
- More green spaces
- Reduced littering
- An emphasis of sustainability and the environment.
- Arts and culture
- More jobs
- Emphasis on growth
- More social places
The Development Framework outlines what they want to be done with Oldham, and this needs to be approved by Oldham Council and Cabinet.
They said they wanted to provide homes for all; new opportunities; enriched experiences; and a green future.
They asked YCllrs two questions:
- How do you feel about our aim to deliver 2000 new homes in the Town Centre? Why?
- Would these plans encourage you to stay in Oldham longer term? Why?
They then gave YCllrs a map of Oldham to annotate with what they want/don’t want to see.
Vaping posters:
Chris drafted up posters to raise awareness about the negative impacts of vaping, based off of Niamh and Miranda’s idea.
These were shown to YCllrs for approval.
These are aimed to be a deterrent from people to start vaping, and it provides information for existing users to stop vaping.
We searched for somewhere to refer people who wanted to quit, and we could not find anything. Chris will enquire to Early Break about this.
Events and trips:
Super resi – please can people sign consent forms if they have not already!
8th September – YouthforiaAn organisation in which youth councillors from the North West meet up and work on campaigns and training..
14th September – volunteers needed to help at an event to raise money for mental health charities.
31st August/5th September – drop in event for Town Centre Regeneration project.
23rd September – Beeheard.
Andrew – asked for clarification regarding the Youth Mayor, since on Oldham Council’s website, it states that Charlotte is still the Youth Mayor (this was backed up by Peter). Chris said he will raise it with the Council.