OYC minutes – 15/05/2024
Today was our first un-meeting of the term. This is where YCllrs split into four groups, with each group being given a paper with a topic to discuss, and were told to write them down.
The topics of discussion before break were:
- What one thing could OYCOldham Youth Council do to improve young people’s lives?
- How do we reach more young people?
- What don’t you know about OYCOldham Youth Council?
- What training do YCllrs need?
- Who do we need to link with (what organisations etc)?
- How do we reach other young people?
- Evaluation of OYCOldham Youth Council: what’s good and how could it be better?
After the break, the topics of discussion were focused on the topics of crime and safety and jobs, economy and benefits, which will help to form our motion to full councilOYC have constitutional rights to ask Council to make changes in Oldham. They do this formally by attending a full council meeting and putting a motion to full council. in July.
These topics were:
- Do you feel safe in Oldham?
- If not, why?
- What can we do to help?
- What job do you want to do in the future?
- Will it be in Oldham? (If not, where?)
- What would convince you to stay in Oldham?
Events and trips:
10th June – mayoral committee meeting (we will find out more about who the mayor will be next Wednesday), YCllrs are needed to talk about raising funds for the mayor’s charities.
28th June – 80k walk with a sleep out in between to raise money for Broughton House (a charity which supports and cares for veterans). YCllrs were presented with two options on how they want to get involved, if at all.
- Option 1: meet at 9am, do the day one walk, sleep out and do the day two walk.
- Option 2: meet at the Civic Centre for 7, prepare food for the walkers, sleep out, and join in the day two walk.
September 14th – volunteering at a music festival to raise money (Chris will have more details closer to the time).
27th-29th August – super resi at Mount Cook, YCllrs took part in a vote on which activities to take part in the day and in the evening.
Peter – wants to make a recruitment video for champions, and invited YCllrs to get involved next Tuesday, 6-8pm at Rock St.
Tom – extended his congratulations to Hassan, who took on the role of chairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-) temporarily for this meeting.