OYC Meeting Minutes – 07/12/16
Marouf welcomed everyone including guests from Madhlo who had come along to take part in a consultationConsultation is when members of an organisation gather information/feedback from members of the public or group on a project or scheme..
Melissa, George, Roshni
Members from Mahdlo came along to the meeting to join a consultationConsultation is when members of an organisation gather information/feedback from members of the public or group on a project or scheme. about facilities and what they want to see in Oldham town centre. Ideas are shown on green post-its
The group were then asked what they would like to do in the Oldham town centre. Which activities would they like to see? Pictures on this pad orange post-it’s
There are 3 pieces of land near to Mahdlo that are available to be developed on. One piece of land is 81 x 45m, one piece (equilateral triangle shaped) with side lengths of 60m and the final piece is 10x15m at the side of the Mahdlo building. Thinking about these spaces members where asked what ideas should go on to this land. However, anything that goes on to this land must make money. Pink post-it’s
Generation Oldham
James from the Council’s policy came in to talk about the generation Oldham project that has young people developing Oldham’s eco-energy policy. James was promoting the programme and asking for people to sign up. Young people interested:
Richard Wen
Lydia Edwards
Amber Powell
Adam h
Alex R
Make your mark
Chris told the youth council that the youth councillors who got over 1000 votes were awarded since Alex was not at the youthforiaAn organisation in which youth councillors from the North West meet up and work on campaigns and training. her award was press tired in three youth council meeting. Chris also told us that the make your markA Nationwide campaign, run by UK Youth parliament, that gathers information on what is important to the youth of the United Kingdom. report was sent out Next year we will be starting earlier starting in April – how we will get in touch with the schools
Youth Council Champions
Chris then told the youth council about the youth champions holding a christamas party Thursday 8th December
Christmas Carols
Youth councillors then sang Christmas carols