OYC minutes – 29/05/2024
Consultation planning: At the last priorities meeting, it was decided that there was no motion in the topics we chose…
Consultation planning: At the last priorities meeting, it was decided that there was no motion in the topics we chose…
Every year the United Kingdom Youth Parliament (UKYP) holds a UK-wide ballot called ‘Make Your Mark’, where all young people,…
Every year the United Kingdom Youth Parliament (UKYP) holds a UK-wide ballot called ‘Make Your Mark’, where all young people,…
Tuesday 21st February 2017
Oldham Youth Council and Oldham Theatre Workshop invited schools from all over Oldham to come together and develop ideas to stop discrimination.
Welcome Marouf welcomed everyone including guests from Madhlo who had come along to take part in a consultation. Apologies Melissa,…
Every year the United Kingdom Youth Parliament (UKYP) holds a UK-wide ballot called ‘Make Your Mark’, where all young people,…
Welcome apologies – Hannah, Shariq, Suraya, Tasneem, Lydia, Ge, Khadija, Alan Question Time Marouf asked the youth council whether they had…
Date: Wednesday 16th September 2015 Venue: Lees Suite Apologies: Elliot Grimes, Suraya Uddin, Nazmul Islam Agenda Item Key Points Action…