Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL1 1UT
0161 770 3116

OYC Meeting Minutes – 26/10/16

O.Y.C. meeting 26th October

OYC Meeting Minutes – 26/10/16


apologies – Hannah, Shariq, Suraya, Tasneem, Lydia, Ge, Khadija, Alan

Question Time

Marouf asked the youth council whether they had got ten questions each to ask Council leaders for question time and that they should email or Facebook message Chris with them. Marouf stressed that it was very important to attend and that Youth Councillors need to remember to arrive at the Civic for 5pm on the 23rd November. Chris advised that Question time would usually finish for 6.30 but to be prepared for longer.

Make Your Mark

Marouf asked the youth council whether they had any suggestions for what to do with the votes we collated from schools for Make your Mark.

Andrew asked why the special needs schools didn’t get involved with make your mark- Chris explains that this may have been due to a misunderstanding through the email communication.  The emails did not fully explain to the schools that changes could be made to help students who required help understanding the process and issues. We can make documents clearer next year.

Chris reminded the youth council that we had 14002 young people who voted on different issues and asked what we should do about the issues voted on. He talked the youth council through the breakdown of the  numbers of votes for each make your mark issue from schools.

On the 9th November Ge and Marouf are going to present a motion at Full Council on make your mark to say how well we did and the top issues voted for are the ones that youth council have picked as priority- Ge and Marouf are going to ask full council to support what the youth council is going to do to tackle the issues.

Chris told the Youth council that improvements do need to made to make your mark but we also need to act on the results we have this year. Amber said since we have some representation in each school, we could ask members of school councils to come to youth council meetings and see what we’re doing and relay it back to their school. The youth council talked through the idea and agreed that we could invite schools and do some kind of creative consultation to tell them what we do and ask them what is best to do for them. Free cake may also be provided (low fat).  We could also ask them to sign a pledge.

Looking at the results, in particular turnout and how the school engaged, the youth council decided to initially work with five schools – North Chadderton, Saddleworth, Hulme, Radclyffe and Hathershaw. We plan to go into these schools talk to school councils or maybe assemblies and get some feedback from them around our priorities.

Break the Website

Marouf reminded the youth council of the new website and told the youth council to look at the website and write down what they like about the website, what they don’t like about the website and what they think can be improved.  After spending some time writing it down, Chris then bought the website up on the big screen so that youth councillors could talk through ideas. Chris also went through the youth councillors part of the website (outcomes wheel, evaluation, message us and top awards).


Youth councillors who attended priorities filled in the other youth councillors with what had been going on. Andrew pointed out that we decided we were going to despatch a newsletter called stand up shout out. Chris asked the Youth councillors what we are actually doing as youth councillors and told us that we should be moving forward with everything that we have planned so far. E.G the films needed to have been done by next week. Youth councillors should try and move forward with the campaigns by attending priorities meetings, youth council champions can do the work but youth councillors need to work together to give instruction.

What are we doing?

Ted talks, posters, films, conference to plan,

What should we be doing?

We need to be doing things for dental hygiene, piloting five year olds brushing their teeth, Dancing teeth, Get the singing dentist guy, big toothbrush mascot, animation, ‘build the biggest toothbrush’ kids using recycled paper – you get an award, weirdest place to brush your teeth hashtags (social media campaign).

  • jess – instructions on how to make a toothbrush
  • jade – guidelines on  what kind of toothpaste and toothbrush they need
  • melissa – animation
  • marouf – getting the singing dentist guY

Youth councillors need to take pictures of themselves with a toothbrush for the hashtag whats stopping you. OYC secretary needs to contact CCG for help.

Youth councillors said they would also like to do things for mental health. Chris reminded the youth council that healthy young minds oldham identified eating disorders as the biggest mental health issue. Adam suggested we tackle obesity, after talking it through the youth council decided we couldn’t do anything with that as well as completing everything we already have to do.The youth council has decided that if anyone brings anything forward that we can do for obesity and eating disorders than we will bring it to YC meetings.


Alex asked if there could be another organised abseil down the Civic.  This will be passed on to Jodie.