Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL1 1UT
0161 770 3116

Category: Full OYC Meeting Minutes

[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: NHS (lead by Karen, Leslie, Neal and Tamoor) [3*]: Break [4]: Tom's Motion (lead by Tom) [5]: Events and Trips (lead by Chris) [6]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 01/11/2023

NHS (KAREN, LESLIE, NEIL AND TAMOOR) We initiated our discussion with a group of dedicated individuals: Karen, a retired GP; Leslie, a current nurse; Neil, and Tamoor, a manager at …

[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: Domestic Abuse Blog & The “Me, Myself & I” Event (lead by Catherine Lawler) [3*]: Break [4]: Vaping Pack (lead by Chair) [5]: Events and Trips (lead by Chris) [6]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 18/10/2023

DOMESTIC ABUSE BLOG & THE “ME, MYSELF & I” EVENT (CATHERINE LAWLER) Catherine introduced herself and what her job consists of. Her focus is on domestic abuse, training adults and …

[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: Motion to Full Council (lead by Chris) [3*]: Break [4]: Motion to Full Council (lead by Chris) [5]: Events and Trips (lead by Chris) [6]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 04/10/2023

MOTION TO FULL COUNCILOYC have constitutional rights to ask Council to make changes in Oldham.  They do this formally by attending a full council meeting and putting a motion to …

[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: YouthForia Workshop Oldham (7th October) (lead by Penelope & Aaliyah) [3]: Employment Event Week (26th September) (lead by Chris) [4*]: Break [5]: Motion to Council (lead by Chris) [6]: DA Event (lead by Chris) [7]: Recruiting Volunteers (lead by Global Shapers Community's Manchester Hub) [8]: Events and Trips (lead by Chris) [9]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 20/09/2023

YOUTHFORIAAn organisation in which youth councillors from the North West meet up and work on campaigns and training. WORKSHOP OLDHAM (PENELOPE AND AALIYAH) The next YouthForiaAn organisation in which youth …

[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: UKYP Annual Conference (lead by Tom) [3]: Making Your Mark Oldham (lead by Chris) [4*]: Break [5]: Corners of the Mind (lead by Isaac & Penelope) [6]: Elections (lead by Chris) [7]: Events and Trips (lead by Dayna) [8]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 06/09/2023

UKYPUnited Kingdom Youth Parliament – The Parliament Organisation for MYPs and DMYPs. The UKYP is known for the yearly debate in the Houses of Parliament, in which MYPs attend to debate the top 5 issues, …

[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: Making Your Mark (lead by Dayna) [3*]: Break [4]: Youth Councillor Elections (lead by Dayna) [5]: Events and Trips (lead by Dayna) [6]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 26/07/2023

MAKING YOUR MARK OLDHAM In this section of the meeting, youth councillors wrote a report to complement the Making Your Mark survey which we held earlier this year, which included …

[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: Ideal Youth Council (lead by Dayna) [3*]: Break [4]: Current Campaigns (lead by Chair) [5]: Events and Trips (lead by Chris) [6]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 12/07/2023

IDEAL YOUTH COUNCIL (DAYNA) This section of the meeting was for diversity indicators, including what checks could be done to see if the youth council is representative to the population …

[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: Oldham Pledge (lead by Suzy Chapman) [3]: Spill The Tea Campaign (lead by Prem & Tom (MYPs)) [4*]: Break [5]: Motion to Full Council (lead by Chris) [6]: Events and Trips (lead by Chris) [7]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 28/06/2023

OLDHAM PLEDGE (SUZY CHAPMAN) Suzy and Lorna from the Oldham Pledge came to the youth council to ask for help regarding the Oldham Pledge. They would like a relaunch to …

[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: Overview and Scrutiny (lead by Cllr Eddie Moores) [3]: Motion to Full Council (lead by Chris) [4*]: Break [5]: Motion to Full Council (Continued) (lead by Chris) [6]: Events and Trips (lead by Chris) [7]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 14/06/2023

OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY (CLLR EDDIE MOORES)Eddie Moores came to the meeting to talk about the change in the scrutiny panel. Now there are four panels, with one panel focusing on …

[1]: Welcome (lead by Chair) [2]: Good Employment Week (lead by Chris) [3*]: Break [4]: 10 Forwards (lead by Chair) [5]: Events and Trips (lead by Chris) [6]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 31/05/2023

GOOD EMPLOYMENT WEEK (CHRIS) We started the meeting off discussing the Good Employment Week, which is on the week commencing 19th June 2023, and lead by the Greater Manchester Combined …