NHS (KAREN, LESLIE, NEIL AND TAMOOR) We initiated our discussion with a group of dedicated individuals: Karen, a retired GP; Leslie, a current nurse; Neil, and Tamoor, a manager at …
DOMESTIC ABUSE BLOG & THE “ME, MYSELF & I” EVENT (CATHERINE LAWLER) Catherine introduced herself and what her job consists of. Her focus is on domestic abuse, training adults and …
MOTION TO FULL COUNCILOYC have constitutional rights to ask Council to make changes in Oldham. They do this formally by attending a full council meeting and putting a motion to …
YOUTHFORIAAn organisation in which youth councillors from the North West meet up and work on campaigns and training. WORKSHOP OLDHAM (PENELOPE AND AALIYAH) The next YouthForiaAn organisation in which youth …
UKYPUnited Kingdom Youth Parliament – The Parliament Organisation for MYPs and DMYPs. The UKYPUnited Kingdom Youth Parliament – The Parliament Organisation for MYPs and DMYPs. The UKYP is known for the yearly debate in the Houses of Parliament, in which MYPs attend to debate the top 5 issues, that were voted on in the MYM voting scheme. is known for the yearly debateA debate is when two parties discuss a statement, with one side for the statement given, and one against. Each party gives points on why they stand where they do on the statement, trying to create a convincing argument to win the debate. in the Houses of Parliament, in which MYPs attend to debateA debate is when two parties discuss a statement, with one side for the statement given, and one against. Each party gives points on why they stand where they do on the statement, trying to create a convincing argument to win the debate. the top 5 issues, …
MAKING YOUR MARK OLDHAM In this section of the meeting, youth councillors wrote a report to complement the Making Your Mark survey which we held earlier this year, which included …
IDEAL YOUTH COUNCIL (DAYNA) This section of the meeting was for diversity indicators, including what checks could be done to see if the youth council is representative to the population …
OLDHAM PLEDGE (SUZY CHAPMAN) Suzy and Lorna from the Oldham Pledge came to the youth council to ask for help regarding the Oldham Pledge. They would like a relaunch to …
OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY (CLLR EDDIE MOORES)Eddie Moores came to the meeting to talk about the change in the scrutiny panel. Now there are four panels, with one panel focusing on …
GOOD EMPLOYMENT WEEK (CHRIS) We started the meeting off discussing the Good Employment Week, which is on the week commencing 19th June 2023, and lead by the Greater Manchester Combined …