OYC Meeting Minutes – 17/05/2023
Chris talked us through the results of the regional issues and local issues voted by young people across Oldham. Regional issues are North-West wide issues, and will be tackled together at YouthForias, whereas local issues are those which we as Oldham will campaign on.
The results will be published in the coming weeks.
In this part, we talked about the top Making Your Mark Oldham issues, and wrote down, in small groups, what the issue is exactly or how we can find out what it precisely is, and potential ways we can tackle them.
Youth councillors talked about potential campaigns we could do, and potential priorities we have, and to plan out anything else we can do based off the issues raised, for instance a motion to Oldham Council.
- Youth Mayor Making, the date is now ammended, due to the current date (Wed 28 June) being on Eid, where the mayor, current youth mayor and youth councillors are not able to attend. The new date is yet to be confirmed.
- Friends of Oldham Pledge have a meeting from 3pm on Tuesday the 6th of June, to essentially try and promote the Oldham Pledge. More on Oldham Pledge: https://www.theoldhampledge.co.uk/
- Oldham Integrated Clinical Partnnership want direction from Oldham residents and stakeholders, and is holding a meeting from 10am to 3:30pm on Wednesday the 14th of June. This group deals with GPs, how funds are distributed, prescription charges and stuff related to that.
- YouthForiaAn organisation in which youth councillors from the North West meet up and work on campaigns and training. is happening in Preston on Saturday the 24th of June.
AOB (CHAIRThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-))
Chris mentioned about a “WhatsApp Community” where Chris can send you messages directly. If you want to be in this chat, and you have WhatsApp, or are 16 and willing to download it, please email Dayna with your mobile number. Other people in the community besides the workers are unable to see your number.
Oldham Council have asked the youth service for some young people to be “voice actors” in a series of videos used for training. The scripts will be based off real stories of young people (including things such as gangs for instance). If you are interested in this, are able to speak naturally, and won’t be affected by doing this (as there may be some trigger topics), please email Chris.