Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL1 1UT
0161 770 3116

Category: Everything else

APPG on Youth Affairs – Tia Henderson

On Tuesday the 15th of October Me, Samah and Hamra went down to The House of Commons in London to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Youth Affairs – …

Mental Health – Support and Services

Over the last few years, Mental Health has been one of the most important issues to young people in Oldham in the Make Your MarkA Nationwide campaign, run by UK …

Our Oldham Project Exhibition

Over the summer holiday, members of the Youth Voice Family have been working collaboratively on a project called Our Oldham, based on the 5 Ways to Well-being, which are : …

Mental Health and I

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, our very own Comms Officer, Liam Harris, has published an article about Mental Health on Below is a short excerpt. Mental Health. …

16-18 Bus Survey

Later this year the Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, plans to introduce free bus travel for young people in the Greater Manchester area.  Please help us to understand how this …

kerrching funding

Kerrching Award Grants 2019

It is with great pleasure that we can announce that the Kerrching – Youth Opportunity Fund awards are back for 2019. What It Is: Kerrching – Youth Opportunity Fund aims …

Adopt a Monkey

Oldham Youth Council once had a campaign called purple monkey washing machine (check out the I love Me page for more info).  Back then we drafted in our friends, the …

OYC Meeting Minutes – 27/06/18

WELCOME Apologies :- Samah K., Tia J., Jess C., Nathan W.   HOUSING CONSULTATIONConsultation is when members of an organisation gather information/feedback from members of the public or group on …

OYC Meeting Minutes – 13/06/18

WELCOME Apologies:- Jess C., Shariq A., Katie R., Katie W., Khadija A., Amber C Samah started the meeting off the meeting with Good News!   QAVs Oldham Youth Council has …

Queens Award for Voluntary Service

It is with great pride that we can now share that we have been awarded the Queens Award for Voluntary Services! It is an amazing honour and a credit to …