Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL1 1UT
0161 770 3116

Letter to MP: Food For Learning

Letter to MP: Food For Learning

Hey there everyone,
As you may be aware, the UKYP campaign for 2023 will be the Food For Learning bill, where MYPs, DMYPs and young people accross the UK campaign for free school meals for everyone up to the age of 18, this is because currently 16-18s, homeschooled pupils and Y2-Y11 pupils with a net household income of above £7,400 are excluded from the current scheme. More on this in the “Youth Parliament Update” section at:

See below a templated email young people can send to their MP, however you can write your own email if you want. It is recommended you send this before April if you want to. You can find out who your local MP is at, and their email address here:

Please replace any section e.g. [MP’s Name] with the relevant information.


Will you support the Food for Learning campaign?


Dear [MP’s Name e.g. “Mr McMahon”]

As a young person and one of your constituents, I am writing to ask you to represent my views on school food by supporting the UK Youth Parliament’s campaign, Food for Learning. The Food for Learning campaign is calling for free school meals to be available to all school-aged children across the UK, including all home-schooled children, making sure no matter where you grow up in the UK, you don’t miss out on food and learning.

Kids in my area and across the UK are worried about not being able to afford a good meal during the school day and this makes it harder to focus on school work. In lots of schools, the cost of food has gone up and now 3 in 10 children in poverty across the UK do not qualify for a free school meal, and that’s just wrong. Children and young people are being overlooked by politicians and our futures disregarded.

We aren’t made to pay for other parts of school and learning, so why school meals?

By making school meals free for everyone, people I know, my friends and peers, won’t have to struggle with the knowledge that they won’t be able to eat during school that day. Instead, everyone could concentrate on school life and friendships – without money being an issue. And this isn’t just about a free lunch. It’s about kids coming together, enjoying the same food and not feeling different or left out. It’s good for our health and our mental well-being.

I’m not alone. Children and young people across the UK are supporting the Food for Learning campaign because we know it will make a big difference to our friends and classmates.

So, as my representative, I’m asking you to stand with us by publicly supporting the campaign and by calling on your party to include the campaign policy in its manifesto.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name e.g. “Tom Smith”]
[Your Address e.g. “123 Anywhere Street”]
[Your Town e.g. “Oldham”]
[Your Postcode e.g. “OL1 1AA”]

Additionally, track it with BYC at:

Thank you for your participation.
– Prem Raghvani (MYP)