Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL1 1UT
0161 770 3116

OYC Meeting Minutes – 26/05/21

OYC Meeting Minutes – 26/05/21


This meeting sees the first in person meeting for Oldham Youth Council in over a year! All necessary precautions were made, including the use of the Council Chambers, a room that is much bigger than the suites we regularly met in pre-pandemic.


A student has put in a request to the Youth Council to see if a collaborative mental health project could happen around training young people to be able to help and deal with mental health issues. The Youth Council had an extensive discussion around the idea, put forward possible pros and cons, and collated thoughts to put forward with the student at the next priorities meeting!


With the end of the officer term coming up in August, there were discussions about the roster of officer posts available within the next election. Discussions happened around the categories the roles should focus on, to ensure that the officer roles would be able to work well together but also benefit the working of the Youth Council. Discussions led to the structure of the roles to stay relatively similar to that of the 2020/21 officer roles. In August, Oldham Youth Council will vote on a Communications Officer, a Campaigns Officer, a Priorities Officer (an alteration to the second campaigns officer post, which will look at other topics important to OYC and Young People of Oldham that aren’t within current campaigns), an Events & Wellbeing Officer, and an Inclusivity Officer.