Over the last few years, Mental Health has been one of the most important issues to young people in Oldham in the Make Your Mark ballot.
This is why Mental Health is one of the priorities of the Youth council and Youth Mayor right now.
We made a list of some services available to young people that would help.
If you’re struggling with your mental health or have a friend/family member who is struggling – anyone of these services can help.
Kooth is an online counselling service which a free safe, confidential and anonymous way to ask for help. Ages 11-25
They offer a ‘Sort It ‘ drop in service for 8-18 year olds who would like to speak to someone confidentially and in a safe space.
You will be listened to and you will get the best help either with their service or by helping you to access another service.
They’ve got a problem solving service , counselling and also lots of groups and activities.
From the Healthy young minds website :
External links from their website to other service available to help :
Apps that can help with your mental health :
Full list on
You can visit healthy young minds – Here’s a video that will give you an idea of what to expect
Bereavement Support service Tel : 0161 627 8207
Young carers Tel: 0161 621 9497
Oasis Drug and Alcohol service Tel: 0161 621 9600
HOPEline UK can give you advice and support if you or a friend is having suicidal thoughts.
Confidential and anonymous :
Tel 0800 068 41 41
Open Mon – Fri 10 am – 10 pm
Weekends 2pm – 10pm
They have resources available on their website including coping strategies , conversation starters , apps to support wellbeing and more .
Link is https://papyrus-uk.org/help-advice-resources/
Resolve counselling services – an emotional health and well-being service for children affected by domestic or sexual abuse.
For young people between 5-19 who have experience or are currently experiencing sexual or domestic abuse in Oldham, Rochdale and Manchester.
Referrals can be made by professionals or parents can self refer.
0161 633 5991