OYC Meeting Minutes – 20/09/2023
YOUTHFORIA WORKSHOP OLDHAM (PENELOPE AND AALIYAH) The next YouthForia on the 7th of October will be held in Oldham, and…
OYC Meeting Minutes – 06/09/2023
UKYP ANNUAL CONFERENCE (TOM) One of our MYPs, Tom, went to the UKYP Annual Conference in the end of July….
OYC Meeting Minutes – 26/07/2023
MAKING YOUR MARK OLDHAM In this section of the meeting, youth councillors wrote a report to complement the Making Your…
OYC Meeting Minutes – 12/07/2023
IDEAL YOUTH COUNCIL (DAYNA) This section of the meeting was for diversity indicators, including what checks could be done to…
OYC Meeting Minutes – 28/06/2023
OLDHAM PLEDGE (SUZY CHAPMAN) Suzy and Lorna from the Oldham Pledge came to the youth council to ask for help…
OYC Meeting Minutes – 14/06/2023
OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY (CLLR EDDIE MOORES)Eddie Moores came to the meeting to talk about the change in the scrutiny panel….
Seasonal Recap – Q2 2023
Its June, which means one thing; the season recaps for Oldham Youth Council! We have been up to many amazing…
OYC Meeting Minutes – 31/05/2023
GOOD EMPLOYMENT WEEK (CHRIS) We started the meeting off discussing the Good Employment Week, which is on the week commencing…
OYC Meeting Minutes – 17/05/2023
MAKING YOUR MARK OLDHAM (CHRIS) Chris talked us through the results of the regional issues and local issues voted by…