OYC Meeting Minutes – 07/02/2024
Beth, a researcher, attended our meeting on November 29, 2023, as documented in the minutes (https://oldhamyc.com/blog/2023/11/29/oyc-meeting-minutes-29-11-2023/). She returned to address the questions raised during that meeting and to provide insights on the implementation of the feedback we provided for the forms discussed.
To summarise, Beth is conducting research on new group therapy methods for individuals aged 11-16. She consulted the youth council for follow-up questions. She acknowledged that while her team found some of the feedback to be significant, they nonetheless found it valuable and incorporated much of it into their work.
During the discussion, several attendees inquired about the path to becoming a clinical psychologist. Beth clarified that it requires a separate degree but typically involves a psychology background or achieving BBB at A-Level to enter a university program. Additionally, she noted the importance of accreditation by the British Psychological Society (BPS) for specialized courses in clinical psychology.
Beth also highlighted the significant involvement of clinical psychologists, such as herself, in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
Regarding the next phase of Beth’s research project, the anticipated main results include:
- Recruitment numbers
- Feedback from young participants on the usefulness and impact of group therapy
- Levels of engagement among young participants
Youth councillors formed groups to provide further feedback, addressing:
- Strategies for disseminating information about the research and potential channels
- Identification of the most critical message from the research
- Recommendations for optimal dissemination methods
- Identification of stakeholders for whom the results are significant
OLDHAM PLAN CONSULTATIONConsultation is when members of an organisation gather information/feedback from members of the public or group on a project or scheme. (LIZ DRYDEN-STUART)
Liz, representing the Strategic Planning Department of Oldham Council, attended the meeting accompanied by a few colleagues. Their purpose was to discuss the development plan for the borough, which will determine the allocation of resources for residentialA trip with an overnight stay, open spaces, industrial areas, and public rights of way, among other aspects. The draft plan under discussion spans a 15-year period, extending until 2039. Liz and her team sought input from the youth councillors, who serve as representatives for the youth of Oldham and are considered key stakeholders in this planning process.
The youth councillors divided into groups to initially discuss the primary issues they perceive within the borough of Oldham.
Prem and Tom presented their proposal for an Independent Youth Research Panel (IYRP) during the meeting. The IYRP aims to establish a select committee of youth councillors who will actively engage with key decision-makers and stakeholders in the community. Its primary objectives include understanding the impact of decisions on young people, gathering insights to inform future initiatives, and allocating resources within the Youth Council effectively.
They suggested that the panel consist of 8 panellists chosen by fellow youth councillors. Additionally, they proposed electing a chairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-) and a vice-chair among the panellists, each serving for a term of 1 year, while panel members would serve for 6-month terms, renewable for broader participation. Prem and Tom expressed their interest in serving as the initial chairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-) and vice-chair to initiate the panel according to their vision.
The youth councillors agreed to allow Prem and Tom to further discuss the proposal with Chris and develop a plan. During the discussion, they decided to make the panel’s membership more flexible instead of having a fixed number of panelists. However, they maintained the structure of having a chairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-) and vice-chair. It was clarified that while the IYRP would collaborate with the Oldham Youth Council (OYCOldham Youth Council), it would also have the autonomy to conduct its own inquiries. The IYRP was distinguished from the OYCOldham Youth Council, which focuses on hosting inquiries and developing campaigns, whereas the IYRP would facilitate youth councillors in questioning key decision-makers directly. Integrating the IYRP into the OYCOldham Youth Council structure would provide the council with greater control and flexibility compared to relying solely on the Overview and Scrutiny panel.
This aspect has been cancelled.
- Mayor’s Ball / Mayor’s Family Night of Culture – Fri 01 Mar 2024, 6:30pm to 11pm / 1am at Oldham
- YouthForiaAn organisation in which youth councillors from the North West meet up and work on campaigns and training. (Theme of Communication) – Sat 02 Mar 2024, 9:30am to 4:30pm at Stockport (meet up at Oldham)
- Green Summit – Fri 08 Mar 2024 daytime at Oldham – details to be emailed
- Mixed Up Performance, a play on radicalisation – Thu 14 Mar 2024, 6pm to 8pm
- Vice ChairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-) elections – Wed 21 Feb 2024 Meeting – open for those who have been on the youth council for at least 4 months, or any other group (speak to staff whether you are eligible).
AOB (CHAIRThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-))
Adam – informed the council about his fundraising efforts for Mind, a charity, by selling raffle tickets for the “Raise the Wheel” initiative. The proceeds will support Mind, and participants have the chance to win prizes. Chris will send an email regarding this fundraising activity.
Chris – emphasised that youth council meetings are safe spaces, and if anyone has concerns, they should inform staff who will mediate any situations that arise.
Tom – noted the short time frame of 1 minute and 30 seconds for all elections. Charlotte suggested practicing speeches to ensure they fit within the allotted time.
Chris – reminded everyone to check their emails as they should have received at least two messages this week. If any youth councillor has not received these emails, they should inform Chris to address the issue.
Andrew – provided a quick reminder to tidy up after the meeting.