Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL1 1UT
0161 770 3116

OYC Meeting Minutes – 07/09/2022

OYC Meeting Minutes – 07/09/2022


The chair greeted us, and explained why we changed rooms (due to there being a full council


Chris Howarth introduced the panel, introducing their work. He started by asking the
question on what we think young people care about, and what council could be doing
better. Youth councillors wrote their ideas and opinions on post-it notes. Chris then selected
some notes, and asked for an expansion on the point, and what the problem was exactly,
and asked if anyone else has had this issue.
Chris then went on to explain what the residents’ panel is and expanded on what they do,
which includes conducting surveys, interviews and workshops with a group of people who
signed up. He then asked how the council could listen but not act, and how they could get
more people to do surveys.
Afterwards, Chris Howarth asked if any youth councillors in particular would get involved in
a residents panel.
Youth Council were asked how likely a young person would be to fill out the survey and asked why. Youth councillors generally said it was unlikely due to being long and feeling unnecessary.


The IAG or Independant Advisory Group, for the Greater Manchester Police, to advise and
scrutinise the police, their actions they have done including policing and other interactions
with the general public e.g. social media, and what they can do better in the future.
Candidates gave a one minute speech and be asked questions, both related with
the role and a some a bit more fun but giving insight into the candidates, from all youth councillors.
All three candidates will get a role, with the most successful being the representative, and
the others being deputies, in order of the votes.
The candidates were:

  • Tom Penketh (Deputy)
  • Penelope Spencer-Simpson (Successful for Representative)
  • Louie Wild (Deputy)


  • October Half Term – a programme of activities for Youth Councillors – Chris only asked for ideas.
  • Youthforia (Blackpool) – on Sunday the 11 th of September.
    The next YouthForia will occur on the 29 th of October.
  • BYC ACM (Annual Council Meeting) – voting for the trustees of BYC and discussing the issues.
  • Wednesday the 14th of September 1pm to 4pm – Economic Review Workshops, talking about the cost of living.
  • Panel of young people interviewing people to be a youth worker.


Zoe: Manchester High School for Girls have started a bursary for 5 places over 5 years for
residents exclusively in Oldham, for anyone in Year 7 to Year 13. If any youth councillors
want to know more, they are asked to contact Zoe directly or via Chris.

For current youth councillors – you would have been emailed a form alongside this meeting
minutes. Please feel free to add anything on the form (any additional contributions,
especially for the Oldham Resident Panel Consultation or the events and trips.