OYC Meeting Minutes – 10/01/18
Apologies :- Marouf A., Khadija A., Shariq A., Joe H.
Amber started off the meeting with ‘Councillor Guess Who 2.0’ Game.
VICE CHAIRThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-) ELECTIONS
Amber has revealed that the Vice ChairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-) Elections are going to be held on the 7th Feb. To give willing candidates a little advice, Samah (Current Vice ChairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-)) gave some information on what to do if you want to become Vice ChairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-).
Jodie has raised the point of the list precreated for ideas for Motion to Full CouncilOYC have constitutional rights to ask Council to make changes in Oldham. They do this formally by attending a full council meeting and putting a motion to full council. are not classed as motions. It has also been brought up that Motions need to have a ‘resolution’, where it is known what the outcome of the Motion will be. After giving a brief overview on the powers of the Council across the borough, Jodie asked for ideas from Youth Councillors about Motions that Youth Councillors could put forward to any ideas for Motions. After gathering a variety of ideas in groups, the Youth Councillors gave feedback to Jodie on their ideas for a future Motion to take to Full Council Meetings.
Chris has mentioned the low amount of candidates at this current moment in time. It has been assumed that the schools have not been able
Amber has given the information that a new Youth Worker is going to be hired, and has asked for some Youth Councillors to put their names forward to to be on an interview panel.
Chris has mentioned that there is a creativity camp ran by Craig and Michelle from Oldham Theatre Workshop, and has asked if anyone is interested in attending the residentialA trip with an overnight stay trip.
Event Dates have been given out to Youth Councillors.
Liam mentioned how YouthforiaAn organisation in which youth councillors from the North West meet up and work on campaigns and training. NW are setting up a newsletter to keep Youth Councils informed of each other’s work.