OYC Priorities Minutes – 29/07/20
Attendance: Chris L., Dayna B., Liam H., Alexander N-H., Prem R., Nathan W., Amour C., Anmol S., Charlotte C., Melissa D., Aaliyah R.
- Actions from Last Meeting
- Alexander researched and sent in a ‘how to make’ A6 guide.
- Tia was in the process of making a quizlet
- Liam contacted and forwarded on recourses from Amy’s Mindfulness Workshop
- Charlotte was researching general icebreakers for the beginning of the Webinar
- Delving into the Shaping of the Webinar
- Started by looking through the recourses from Amy’s workshops and discussed which could be used and what could be expanded upon. These documents were emailed to the Mental Health Sub Group, originally from Amy C., forwarded by Liam H. and displayed by Chris L.
- Discussion led to having five starters which are being discussed. First document being looked at is Self Care.pages
- Task One in Self Care.pages was agreed to be useful within the Webinar
- Task Two in Self Care.pages was discussed to be placed in the pack
- Task Three in Self Care.pages is to be included but with additional stuff (origami box)
- Task Five in Self Care.pages was looked on as a positive with a modification on how to take self care. – Webinar
- Now looking at Positive Mindset.pages
- Task Three in Positive Mindset.pages is good in looking at negative thoughts and how they aren’t bad when processing, but it needs adapting.
- Task Four in Positive Mindset.pages is going into the pack.
- Task Five in Positive Mindset.pages is to be adapted.
- ACTION – Take AWE Journal to next Youth Council Meeting (05/08/20) to test idea. Idea may also be adapted.
- Now looking at 3 Mindfulness Exercises.pdf
- Discussion around The Wheel of Awareness were positive and could be beneficial in the Webinar.
- Discussion around Leaves on a Stream were positive, however adaption on times are required, shortening to keep attention of the attendees.
- Discussions around Eye of the Hurricane Meditation. Addressed that it wouldn’t work with Primary School education. Breathing exercise that allows people to reflect, creating a discussion. Had a positive response.
- Having one within the webinar, it is proposed to do this for the next meeting. MEETING ITEM FOR NEXT AGENDA (05/08/20): The meeting will be broken down into three breakout rooms to test the different exercises, being ram by staff. Amour C. has put themselves forward to run Wheel of Awareness in the next meeting.
- Discussion led to having five starters which are being discussed. First document being looked at is Self Care.pages
- Started by looking through the recourses from Amy’s workshops and discussed which could be used and what could be expanded upon. These documents were emailed to the Mental Health Sub Group, originally from Amy C., forwarded by Liam H. and displayed by Chris L.
- Discrimination Campaign
- The discrimination campaign is on the agenda for today’s agenda, however it was decided to leave the item for another priorities meeting.
- Social Media Campaign #WearItWell
- With Oldham’s recent spike in coronavirus cases, Oldham’s Youth Service (@OldhamYouth) are pushing for the #WearItWell campaign around wearing face masks. The council is putting into action initiatives to ensure that the recent spike in cases does not rise. The #WearItWell campaign is to encourage Young People to wear a mask and follow the new regulations in place for the Borough of Oldham.
- Within this meeting, Youth Councillors are to discuss and create a plan for the campaign.
- Show YPYoung person doing fun activities with their face masks on.
- Prem R shared a video from a comedian James Veitch about washing hands. The video in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re0wYeK_rpU
- The attendees started discussing and compiling lyrics to parody the theme tune of the Price of Bel Air, on the topic of covid.
- The song lyrics were written and are held by Chris L.
- ACTION: Young People to share photos of themselves wearing a mask for social media campaign.