OYC Meeting Minutes – 19/02/20


Apologies : Charlotte C., Heather P., Melissa D., Afsana K.

This meeting opened with Wellbeing Officer Isaac playing some warmup games.


It is the time of the year for the DMYP elections within OYC. Deputy Members of Youth Parliament are elected on a two year term, moving up to the role of Member of Youth Parliament in one year time. This role links to the British Youth Council, a national representation role.

In this election, we had Youth Councillors Hfsa F. and Leah C. running for the two DMYP posts. This election includes the ability to ReOpen Nominations (RON), as agreed by the Oldham Youth Council for all role elections. Prior to this meeting, Youth Councillors were provided with the candidate manifestos on why they would be best fit for the role.

Each candidate were given one minute and thirty seconds to give a speech to the attending Youth Councillors to put forward their case on being the next DMYPs for Oldham. After this, the floor was opened to Youth Councillors to ask questions to the candidates.

After the elections were over, it was announced that both candidates, Hfsa F. and Leah C., were successful in being elected for the posts, and will go on to serve Oldham as the new DMYPs for 2020/21. With this, Oldham now introduces our new Members of Youth Parliament, Sarah N. and Heather P.

GMYCA ELECTIONS – Due to the Constitution of Oldham Youth Council, Hamra H. A. has been relieved of her role as the Greater Manchester Youth Combined Authority Rep for Oldham Youth Council due to her recent succession as the Vice Chair of OYC. As no current Youth Councillor has put themselves forward for the role, it was put forward and agreed to have the post covered by an interim and reopen the election to the new cohort of Youth Councillors on the 15th April 2020. It was also agreed to have Liam H. the interim for the role until the election has concluded.


Recently, Oldham Youth Council has held a summit called ‘Over To Youth’, holding different events throughout the week to raise awareness, discuss, and to connect with young people about issues affecting them. Following on from the most recent Make Your Mark Results 2019 for Oldham, the issues that were focused on were Mental Health, Climate Change, and Knife Crime, with the summit being concluded with the first Youth Mayors Ball.

Following on from discussions form the previous priorities meeting the week prior, it was put to the Youth Council to express how they felt the summit went, their thoughts and what should happen now with the recourses, information and contacts created through these events.


Every year, the Oldham Youth Voice Family has been invited to the Annual Oldham Mayor’s Charity Ball, and Youth Councillors were asked to put their names forward to attend the event, due to their being limited tickets.


Youth Councillors have been given the opportunity to see the unveil of a new memorial for World War One soldiers who came from Oldham who haven’t been inscribed on an existing memorial. More information about this memorial, the work that has been done and location, can be found on Oldham Council’s website https://www.oldham.gov.uk/news/article/1816/new_war_memorial_for_forgotten_soldiers_in_oldham .


Following on from Oldham Youth Council’s succession in gaining the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services, Samah K., Tia H., and Hamra H. A., attended an event which informed attendees on how to nominate groups or individuals for honours such as the QAVS or MBE etc.