With Marouf and Ge at full council meeting and both Amber and Samah sending their apologies we have Roshni as chair and Jade as secretary. Other apologies from:
Isabelle, Jess C, Branden, Nazmul, Jahanzeib, Marya, Nayema, Usmaan, Jake and T.Jay
Takeover Challenge
– Consent letters were handed out and names were taken down of people who now want to take part
- Jade has been allocated to Youth Services
- Afsana – Early Years – unsure
- Richard – Housing PFI
- Andrew – Comms
- Katie Russell can no longer participate due to mocks the following week but will check with school
- Oral hygiene campaign update from Chris
- Chris asked for more teeth brushing pictures
- Plan to be sorted out at next priorities meeting for Alan Higgins visit
- Chris gave an update on the discrimination films, conference planning
- Jade and Allette put themselves forward to get involved in TED Talks & will communicate via the website
- Discrimination & stereotypes posters update – request for volunteers to be featured on posters
- Jess Webster agreed to taking part in the self harm poster
- Jade suggested adding ‘obviously’ to the end of the anorexic boy poster
- Adam volunteered to take part in the anorexia poster
- Andrew volunteered to take part in the autism poster, also agreed on ‘but I’m not rude’
- Dana suggested ‘I have ADHD but I’m not a troublemaker’
- LGBT + posters update – Liam and Allette volunteered to go in the ‘Gay’ poster
BREAK 19:03- 19:18
Oldham Youth Council have made a film for the LSCB to highlight the fact that not everything on the internet is true. This was shown at the meeting, check out the Darth Dorothy video.
Full Council Motion
Ge and Marouf returned from full council following their motion on Make Your Mark. The motion was very positively received and gained full backing from the council. Check out the motion given to Full Council.
Marouf took over chair duties again
Chris explained how the website will now be used to book places on future trips and events.
- Reindeer Parade – Dana gave out info to all those getting involved
- FFS – Chris offered 10 places for a performance by Oldham Theatre Workshop on Monday 14th – 7 places were taken up and the rest will be offered on Facebook
- Parliament Week – Jodie explained the parliamentary themed events occurring next Wednesday (16th November)- Chris wrote the names down of people who intend to attend. People are free to bring food/drink
- Question Time (November 23rd) – Information was given
- Jodie gave a talk on the lack of questions given in for Question Time – councillors have to garner 10 questions by Friday evening
- Chris asked for volunteers for the Shaw Lights switch on & took down names – 25th November
- Youthforia – 3rd December – Chris took down names of those who want to get involved
Sam Remi-Akinwale
Sam from Manchester YC came to speak about greater need for communication between the Greater Manchester LAs and give a presentation on curriculum for life and Make Your Mark. Sam wanted ways to share good practice and how we can group resources together to take a united front. Sam discussed the possibility of a news letter and promised that this would be shared once the idea has come to fruition.
Marouf and Jade mentioned that Curriculum for Life was an OYC Priority issue and resources will be shared with Manchester.
Anti-bullying week
Chris gave an update on poster designs – last year’s campaign pictures are to be used again & we went through the designs. People split off into tables and brainstormed ideas on what to add to the anti-bullying packs. They then shared their ideas to the rest of the Youth Council. These ideas will be used to create a pack and distributed after Anti-bullying week.
Any Other Business
Faulty ID passes were discussed. People shared their problems and Chris explained the situation for those awaiting new passes