OYC minutes – Youth Mayor Making

Welcome and introduction:

The Mayor (Cllr Chauhan OBE) entered the Council Chamber and was accompanied by the Chief Executive, retiring Youth Mayor and the new Youth Mayor.

The Mayor called the meeting to order.

The meeting began with a blessing given by Rev. Ramble.


Mr Mayor gave a vote of thanks to retiring Youth Mayor Charlotte and thanked her for all she had done, and commented on how he had seen her grow as a person over the past year.

Nominations and Elections for Youth Mayor:

The retiring Youth Mayor issued a call for nominations for the Office of Youth Mayor of the Oldham Metropolitan Borough for the Municipal Year 2024/25.

Penelope moved the nomination and spoke highly of Isaac, detailing how great he would be.

Tom seconded the nomination and spoke of Isaac’s great ability to represent the youth of our Borough at the highest level.

Hassan expressed support for the nomination and spoke of the things they have in common.

The retiring Youth Mayor put the nomination to a vote.

Isaac was duly appointed Youth Mayor and presented with the medallion.

Both Isaac as the new Youth Mayor and Charlotte as the retiring Youth Mayor gave speeches of their experiences, their thanks, and their ideas for the future.

Isaac thanked those in attendance and invited everyone to join him for refreshments.