[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: Oldham's Economic Vision (lead by Paul Clifford) [3]: OYC Safe Space (lead by Chair & Chris) [4*]: Break [5]: Rep Elections (lead by Chair) [6]: Events and Trips (lead by Chris) [7]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 06/03/2024

Penelope (L) and Leah (R) sat at the front of the chambers, smiling.

Pictured: Penelope, our chair (L) and Leah, our vice-chair (R) at the first meeting they are officially chairing / vice-chairing.


The Director of Economy from Oldham Council, Paul Clifford, attended the meeting to present and discuss the Oldham 2030 plan with the Youth Council. The purpose was to seek insights from the youth council before finalising the plan. The economic plan, which is an extension of the Oldham economic review, aims to establish a long-term economic vision until 2030. It is structured as a three-year plan, subject to review and refreshment in 2027. The plan is overseen by the Oldham Economic Board, comprising representatives from the public sector, private sector, and individuals. Various sub-strategies are developed under the economic board, including the skills strategy and environmental strategy.

The main objectives of the plan revolve around people, place, planet, and prosperity. It aspires for Oldham to become the greenest borough in the North by 2030, with a focus on achieving Net Zero objectives. Paul emphasised the goal of achieving Net Zero status by 2030.

Paul invited questions and feedback from the youth council, particularly on leadership, the vision for Oldham as the greenest borough, the emphasis on the four Ps (people, place, planet, prosperity), and their priorities concerning the economy.

Under the “people” aspect, the plan addresses employment and skills development. The “place” aspect pertains to initiatives related to the local plan, strategic transport, and the development of new homes. Meanwhile, the “planet” aspect encompasses strategies such as the green new deal and climate change mitigation measures. Lastly, the “prosperity” aspect involves fostering social enterprises, supporting businesses, and encouraging investments.

Additionally, the youth councillors were surveyed regarding their intentions to remain in Oldham for employment opportunities, and if not, the reasons behind their decision.


The meeting commenced with a discussion on the concept of a safe space and the importance of showing respect to everyone. Initially, youth councillors shared their perspectives on what constitutes a safe space and affirmed that respect should be demonstrated towards everyone without exception.

Chris raised concerns regarding the conduct observed in previous meetings, highlighting instances where individuals failed to adhere to respectful behaviour. It was acknowledged that there is room for improvement in this regard.

In response, the chair facilitated a conversation aimed at establishing ground rules for conduct during meetings. A lengthy discussion ensued, focusing on strategies to promote respect and enhance overall conduct.

Various suggestions were proposed on how to foster a more respectful environment and improve conduct among participants.

The meeting concluded with a general consensus to implement the agreed-upon ground rules in future meetings.


This aspect of the meeting was cancelled, due to the other items overrunning. This election will now happen in the next meeting, on the 20th of March 2024. The election for officers will still occur on the original date.


  • Mon 11 Mar, 6:45pm to 8:30pm, Civic Centre – Mayor’s Committee
  • Thu 14 Mar, Oldham Library – Mixed Up performannce
  • Wed 20 Mar meeting – representative elections for 2x GMYCA, 2x DMYP, alongside officer elections for economy, health, community, and communications (with deputy positions).
  • A Tuesday Night in April – Police Youth Scrutiny Panel – looking at body-cam footage on stop and searches
  • Fri 19 Apr to Sun 21 Apr – YoFo Resi
  • Pride Parade


Penelope and Leah – were wished good luck for their participation in the Green Summit, and gratitude was expressed for their valuable contributions to the discussions.

Andrew – raised concerns about the persistence of inappropriate conduct, particularly following the discussions regarding the safe space.

Peter – asked about the photographs for badges, with Chris stating he will take photos as people leave the meeting, if they are a new youth councillor, and are willing to take a photo on this day’s meeting for their ID badges.

Adam – shared updates on his marathon fundraising efforts for Mind.