[1]: Welcome & Apologies (lead by Chair) [2]: Overview and Scrutiny: Youth Vaping (lead by Oldham Councillors) [3*]: Break [4]: Vice Chair Elections (lead by Chair) [5]: Events and Trips (lead by Chris) [6]: AOB (lead by Chair)

OYC Meeting Minutes – 21/02/2024


Cllr Eddie Moores, Cllr Colin McLaren, and other councillors from the Overview and Scrutiny panels attended the Youth Council meeting to discuss strategies to deter young people from using tobacco and vapes. It was noted that vapes are increasingly perceived as a lifestyle choice rather than a substitute for tobacco, particularly among young individuals.

The councillors deliberated on methods to discourage vaping unless it is being used as a smoking cessation aid, highlighting the potential health risks associated with vaping. Cllr Moores pointed out the appeal of colourful vape packaging to youths.

Youth councillors concurred that vaping poses significant concerns, attributing its popularity to factors such as attractive packaging, diverse flavours, and social vaping culture. They raised environmental issues related to disposable vapes, including improper disposal of vapes containing hazardous materials like lithium. Additionally, concerns were voiced regarding unregulated vapes purchased online, which may pose health risks such as explosions or exposure to harmful chemicals.

Suggestions proposed by the groups included showcasing testimonies of individuals who have suffered severe health consequences due to vaping and considering the implementation of warning labels, similar to those found on cigarette packaging. The idea of setting a minimum price for vapes was discussed, although feasibility concerns were raised regarding its potential impact on black market sales and substitution of vaping for smoking, which would be counter-intuitive.

Chris assumed control of the meeting and reminded attendees of the request made in 2023 for affordable recreational spaces for young people, urging the overview and scrutiny panel to consider this matter. Councillor McLaren stated that in the previous days, the panel were discussing the formation of a “Task and Finish group” to conduct research on issues before presenting findings to the Overview and Scrutiny panel who will use that, with the opportunity for youth councillors to participate in research activities.

Councillor Graham Shuttleworth, district lead for Chadderton, invited youth councillors living in Chadderton and Oldham West to attend executive meetings to voice concerns relevant to young people. He pledged to inform Chris of the upcoming meeting dates, encouraging interested youth councillors to talk with Chris for further details.

The meeting concluded with unanimous agreement from youth councillors to participate in the proposed task and finish group.


Youth councillors convened to elect their next vice-chair. Members were provided with the option to cast their votes either via Zoom or in person. Each candidate was allotted up to 90 seconds to deliver a speech, followed by a group session for posing questions.

The individual chosen through this election process will assume the role of vice-chair, while our current vice-chair, Penelope, will ascend to the position of chair. Additionally, our current chair, Isaac, will transition to the role of youth mayor-elect.

The six candidates were, in order in which they were asked to make their speeches, were:

  1. Dylan Davison
  2. Ali Ahmed
  3. Leah Darr
  4. Hassan Jabbar
  5. Griff Rostron
  6. Sage Stones

The questions to the candidates regarding them in the role of Vice Chair, asked by youth councillors after the speeches were:

  1. What one thing would you bring to the Youth Council?
  2. Conflict resolution – Let’s say there is an argument, both political and social, amongst the youth councillors about a matter in which both sides are equally as valid as each other. You are chairing the meeting, and you personally believe in one side. What do you do?
  3. How exactly would you be from previous vice chairs?
  4. Given that, whoever gets elected becomes youth mayor eventually, how will you be able to get into that role, shape your schedule and learn organisational skills?
  5. What would be one advice you would give to a new youth councillor?

The personality questions were:

  1. If you had to be any fictional character, which one will you be?

Chris explained the voting procedure to the new youth councillors. Internal roles within the youth council are cast using the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system. In this system, voters are empowered to rank candidates from 1 to 7, with 1 indicating the most preferred candidate and 7 indicating the least preferred candidate. It’s important to note that voters are not obligated to utilise all numbers from 1 to 7. Additionally, “RON” (Reopen Nominations) is listed as an option on the ballot, signifying a call for another election.

Chris emphasised that in each round of voting, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and their second preference votes are subsequently redistributed. This process continues until a candidate has over half of the votes, thus securing victory.

After 43 votes were cast, the winner of this election was Leah Darr.


  • Fri 01 Mar 2024 – Mayor’s Ball – cancelled due to the mayor’s personal circumstances. When a new date comes out, Chris will discuss this in another meeting.
  • Sat 02 Mar 2024 – YouthForia (Stockport) – please respond to Chris’ email. Only 10 people can go at most.
  • Fri 08 Mar 2024 – Green Summit (morning) – you must be at the priorities meeting next week to do this.
  • Wed 20 Mar 2024 – Bee Well, Salford (Lowry) – an organisation looking at young people’s mental health wellbeing. An event for them to feedback to people.
  • Wed 26 Jun 2024 – Youth Mayor Making for Isaac.


Dayna – informed the council about an upcoming eco-conference for businesses on the 8th of March, where they want the youth councillor to deliver a 10 minutes opening. Dayna initiated group discussions among youth councillors to brainstorm ideas and determine their contributions to the event.

Chris – asked whether the youth council wishes to host a stall at the LGBTQ+ pride event scheduled for July, prompting further consideration and discussion among members.

Isaac – took the opportunity to deliver his final remarks as chair, expressing gratitude and reflecting on his tenure.

Leah – extended her gratitude to the council for their votes and support, acknowledging the responsibility entrusted to her as a result.