Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL1 1UT
0161 770 3116

OYC Meeting Minutes – 08/03/2023

OYC Meeting Minutes – 08/03/2023

Charlotte did an ice breaker called “good news” where all members state a piece of good news which happened to them in the past month.


Eight youth councillors ran for vice chair. They were:

  1. Aaliyah Ahmed
  2. Dylan Davison
  3. Arslan Hussain
  4. Tom Penketh
  5. Ying Shi
  6. Penelope Spencer-Simpson
  7. Sage Stones
  8. Louie Wild

Each of the candidates initially did a 90 second speech on why they should be vice chair (subsequently chair and youth mayor). This included on what experience they have, what skills and what qualities.

This was followed by questions, which included:

  1. In 2025 if you were to be the youth mayor, who would you pick as your youth mayor charity, and why?
  2. In your view, what is your interpretation of the role for vice chair – why did you go for it and what do you expect to do?
  3. What are the qualities you believe would hold you back as vice chair, and how would you overcome it?
  4. As it is International Women’s Day, who is your inspirational woman and how would you take her into your role?
  5. And some sillier questions: Your neighbour has a cute dog, but you accidentally hit the dog, what would you do?
  6. What is your favourite Christmas song and why?

The winner of the election was Penelope Spencer-Simpson after a two-way tie, where the chair’s voting slip becomes the deciding vote.

This means that Isaac Quinn becomes chair (and started to chair the meeting from this point) and Charlotte Clasby becomes youth mayor elect.


Chris mentioned about the 2 year overlap MYP terms. Unfortunately BYC will not a stagger 2 year terms. Additionally, MYPs from 2022 must be elected for 2 years, which was previously missed in the rulebook. Chris therefore came up with the multiple choices which involved continuing on the current structure or making some amendments.

Louie, Tom and Prem (who are DMYPs/MYPs who expressed their interest in carrying on) were consulted by Chris and came to an agreement that Prem and Tom are MYPs from 2023 to 2024, with Louie starting as MYP from 2024 to 2026 (with him continuing as DMYP in the meanwhile). Youth councillors agreed with this, and have agreed that in the next meeting, only one person will be elected as DMYP.

It was decided by youth councillors that next meeting, one DMYP who will work with Louie will be elected, and will step up as MYP alongside Louie from 2024. Additionally, GMYCA elections are happening in the next meeting, where 2 GMYCA representatives will be elected.

Amanda, who works at Oldham Council and once talked about the overview and scrutiny of careers, wanted youth councillors help to do a “ten forward” about work experience. Ten forwards are where each youth councillor aims to survey at least 10 people they know about certain stuff about careers,  including people’s opinions on discussing with a careers advisor and how often, and what employability skills are important for young people, for example having certain abilities such as chairing meetings, how to lead a staff team, or how to write an application form. Youth councillors will be sent a Google form. Additionally, not everyone surveyed must live in or work/study in Oldham as it is the general views for young people.


Zaynab and Hamza proposed to come up with a YouTube video idea on climate change, which is aimed at young people in Oldham about how young people can help to prevent climate change. The video is proposed to be 10 to 12 minutes long, and posted to YouTube with short key clips uploaded to TikTok and as YouTube shorts.

Zaynab and Hamza asked if any youth councillors would like to help.

Zaynab and Hamza also clarified that the video would help both people in Oldham and people in the world (as it is online), and also stated that youth councillors can assist indirectly for instance by social media.

Recording on the eco video will happen in the next priority meeting on the 15th of March 2023.


  • Thursday the 9th of March 2023, GMYCA; one of our GMYCA representatives can not go to the meeting, so one youth councillor is required to stand in.
  • Friday the 10th of March 2023, Oldham Mayor’s Ball; Anyone who decided to go was told crucial information.
  • Monday the 20th of March 2023 6pm to 7pm Castleshaw Meeting; Jodie is having a meeting discussing the rebuilding of Castleshaw, where youth councillors can raise the points on what they want. The architects will be there to show plans. This will happen either in the Lees Suite or the Crompton Suite.
  • Easter Holidays; There are 12 places for anyone in the Oldham Youth Family for Castleshaw. There are other events that may be happening, but Chris will email if there are any spaces available. Chris asked if there is anything people want to do for Easter.


Hamza came back to the case on the eco videos and putting posters around school – Hamza asked for ideas on putting posters up. Penelope came up with the idea that one or a couple of people in each school pushes it to their SLT, as in some cases SLT / teachers don’t reply to or receive emails from Chris.

Chris was discussing that the Forces for Nature Group and the “Youth Council Champions” were once on a Tuesday. Youth Council Champions allows any youth councillor or other 11-18 young people to come and basically have a chat. The forces for nature group is likely to be disbanded as there is already a Greater Manchester wide thing. Chris then was discussing on what potential groups could happen on Tuesday instead, and how a “Girls Group” sounds, and if so what they would like to do in there. Other ideas of course are still open for Tuesdays.

Chris also stated that we as the OYC are no longer moving to Met Place (as discussed in priorities last week), and stated that we are now looking at relocating to the Rock Resource Centre at Rock Street, which is near Mahdlo and Blue Coat School. We will be getting 1/3 of the ground floor.