OYC Meeting Minutes 31/10/18
Apologies :- Roshni P., Khadija A., Abi, Leah, Isabelle A.
Samah started off the meeting with good news.
RELATIONSHIP AND SEX EDUCATION CONSULTATIONConsultation is when members of an organisation gather information/feedback from members of the public or group on a project or scheme.
Recently, the Government has come out with a guideline on how schools should teach the mandatory Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) to students. The guideline, currently in draft, sets out what schools need to be teaching their students. This is so schools can’t pick and choose what they teach students, and the students have the right information to help them in the future.
A member of the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board came into the meeting to discuss the proposal from the Government, as many youth councillors are currently in secondary education or in college. The board is also hoping to work with OYCOldham Youth Council regarding RSE in the future.
BYCBritish Youth Council – A Youth Lead organisation representing 11-18 year olds across Great Britain. YOUTH VOICE STAR AWARDS
BYCBritish Youth Council – A Youth Lead organisation representing 11-18 year olds across Great Britain. have now opened their nominations for the BYCBritish Youth Council – A Youth Lead organisation representing 11-18 year olds across Great Britain. Awards of 2018!
This years categories are:
- Young Campaigner of the Year
- Celebrating Diversity Award
- Youth Led Organisation or Project
- Youth Voice Worker of the Year
- Youth Voice Champion
- Award for Personal Development
Nominations can be sent to the ChairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-) or a Youth Worker, who will help send it off.
Standard Day, the theatre piece commissioned by OYCOldham Youth Council, commences next week for two weeks. This theatre piece, designed for professionals, aims to show the effects of poor mental health, and how professionals can go around it. This theatre piece has the Emma Cammack body paint images in aid, which link in quite nicely.
CHADDERTON CONSULTATIONConsultation is when members of an organisation gather information/feedback from members of the public or group on a project or scheme.
Members of Oldham Council want to do a small consultationConsultation is when members of an organisation gather information/feedback from members of the public or group on a project or scheme. with Youth Councillors who represent that area on the Youth Council (whom live/work/learn in that area).
ELECTIONS (GMYCAGreater Manchester Youth Combined Authority/CAMPAIGNS OFFICER)
Due to the recent departure of Megan from her role as Campaigns Officer to VC, and the new role in GMYCAGreater Manchester Youth Combined Authority, two new elections are in order for the next meeting.
AQAs that have been awarded to Youth Councillors were handed out.
Events and Trip dates were given to youth councillors in the meeting.