With T.Jay becoming Youth Mayor he leaves his role of Oldham Youth Council Chair. This means our Vice Chair Marouf Ahmed steps up into the role of Chair and we elect a new Vice Chair.
Vice Chair elections took place at the Full Youth Council Meeting on 22nd June with great excitement. Candidates who put themselves forward were:
Nazmul Islam, Nayema Kashem, Georgia Loynds, Amber Powell, Alex Robinson, Fatimah Tayeba and Richard Wen.
After some very emotional speeches (some a lot more emotional than others) the Youth Council put some great questions to them, my favourite was ‘If you were a chocolate bar, which one would you be and why?’
It was then time to vote. Two of the candidates were running neck and neck with equal numbers till the final vote was cast. Our new Vice Chair, winning by 1 vote, is Amber Powell. We would like to wish our new Chair Marouf Ahmed and Vice Chair Amber Powell the best of luck for the upcoming year.