As part of anti-bullying week, Oldham Youth Council ran an Anti-Bullying campaign on instagram. This was later turn into a poster campaign to send round schools.
This type of bullying includes hitting, kicking, causing other physical injury, and damaging property.Also known as relational bullying, this type of bullying involves attacking someone on an emotional level. This is most common in relationships, where one partner might make statements or act in a manner to bring distress to the other partner. It can also involve spreading rumours, excluding an individual, ignoring an individual or making statements with the intention of hurting someone’s feelings. It involves anything that deliberately affects someone’s emotional wellbeing in a negative manner.This includes name calling, derogatory remarks, insults, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks and verbal abuse.This is often hard to spot, and can often take place behind the victims back. It can include spreading rumours, encouraging others to socially exclude someone, damaging someone’s social reputation or standing, mimicking unkindly, playing nasty jokes with the aim to embarrass or humiliate, or negative facial or physical gestures and menacing and contemptuous looksThis uses hardware such as computers and smartphones, and software such as social media, instant messaging, texts, websites etc. This can be public or private, and is sometimes only known to the victim and the bully.Prejudicial bullying is bullying based on prejudices people have towards others based on race, religion, sexual orientation or other prejudices. This type of bullying can encompass other types of bullying as well, such as cyber, physical and verbal.Sexual bullying consists of harmful and humiliating actions or remarks that target a person sexually. This can include sexual name calling, crude comments, vulgar gestures, uninvited touching, sexual propositioning and pornographic materials. Sexting can also lead to sexual bullying, as if someone sends a sexual picture to their boyfriend/girlfriend, and they break up, their ex could spread that picture around the school, making the victim a target of sexual bullying.