OYC Meeting Minutes – 26/04/17


Apologies – Jess, Lydia, Amber, Katie, Jake


Discrimination Campaign Posters

Chris showed the poster designs on the projector so that YCllrs could see the work by Samah and the Youth Council Champions.  After seeing the designs, Youth councillors split into small groups to come up with ideas for text to go on the posters. After 20 minutes the groups fed back to the rest of the youth council. The YCllrs found different quotes that could used on the poster as well as hashtags.

Spice survey

All YCllrs should have seen the spice survey on Facebook and if possible need to fill it in – it is 7 questions long and share it on your facebook profile if you can. Youth councillors will be given a survey and they should hand it round to at least ten people.

Mental health film

Jodie told the youth councillors are working on a framework for how schools should deal with emotional wellbeing. It has 8 principles that underpin it which involves different aspects such as staff development identifying need and impact, working with parents and carers as well as student voice. There will be a launch event of this on June 13th for professionals. She said that one of the things the council want from us is to do a little film on mental health. We, as youth councillors, should give key messages about schools needing to promote good mental health. Jodie then asked for some ideas and noted them all down. She then asked for ideas about what schools could do to improve emotional health and wellbeing and wrote these ideas.

Jodie asked if anyone would have a story to include in the film- she will send out details to those interested. She then asked us if our schools/colleges didn’t care at all about our emotional wellbeing how would we feel. Youth councillors then thought of words to describe how they would feel and these were all written down. Youth councillors then thought of words to describe how they would feel in a school/college that put their students mental health and wellbeing as a priority.These were then written down.


Comic Con 6th may

Hidden histories – 4th/18th may and 1st June

AQA presentation – Chris presented Youth Councillors with their AQA awards.



‘Spice’ Survey


Click here to take the survey


Mental Health Film






AQA Presentation