OYC Meeting Minutes – 29/09/2021
This meeting was held within a blended format, following the required measures to keep everyone safe.
Some members of Oldham Youth Council met with representatives of Think Inks during last priorities meeting. Think Inks is a company that aims to raise money through recycling printer cartridges, more about their work can be found at https://www.think-inks.uk. An overview of the meeting was fed back to the meeting, with an explanation of their work, and how we can work together with them to raise money for charities.
One of the main tasks was to create a page that would go onto the Think Inks website, and the Youth Council split into two groups to discuss what should go on this page, using existing pages from causes such as the NHS and Girl Guiding for inspiration. After deliberation, common items came up, such as; a ‘stampified’ logo, to fit around inks, information about who OYCOldham Youth Council is, and the work we do, the charities we are raising money for, and why Tia (our current Youth Mayor) has chosen these charities. The charities in question are the Youth Mayor charities for 2021/22, Yellow Umbrella (an OYCOldham Youth Council Mental Health project) and Papyrus.
Think Inks also wants to do some promotion, and had asked what the best time would be to go live on Twitter Spaces (live audio), and the consensus came to Tuesday at around 17:30!
On the Thursday before this meeting (23/09/21), a panel discussion around the climate crisis, and what is currently going on in Oldham in terms of environmental action, was held. This panel was a part of a Carbon Coop project to send a message to world leaders at the COP26, with this panel discussion being shown in the Glasgow Botanical Gardens. We had representatives from a variety of sectors in Oldham, even with Hamra, our current ChairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-), as a panel member, and Charlotte, our current Vice ChairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-), as the ChairThe Youth Councillor who runs the meeting, heads up the organisation and has the casting vote. Or something to sit on but probably the first one on our site :-) of the Discussion.
For the Youth Councillors who could not attend, a quick overview about what was talked about was given, and it was noted that the recording will be publicly available around the time of the COP26, meaning that Youth Councillors could watch the discussion if they were not able to originally.
Chris asked the Youth Councillors who were at the panel if any of them would like to be a part of a quick vlog that would accompany the panel discussion.
With Youth Council elections the horizon, Liam had put forward the idea for some Youth Councillors to do some short pen profiles about themselves, and their experiences on the Youth Council. Youth Councils have quite a few myths around them, and it was thought important to dispel some of these myths, and to try and humanise the Youth Council. Youth Councillors agreed with the idea, and were sent instructions on how to complete one.
Youth Councillors attending the meeting were made aware of any events or trips that were coming up.