OYC minutes – 10/07/2024


Chris stressed the importance of fulfilling commitments and promises made at Youth Council sessions. He expressed his disappointment that, using the example of recent events, YCllrs haven’t respected signing up to events. This is not an individual effort, as YCllrs are representing the Youth Service as a whole.

There is an event on 14th September (we will learn more about this closer to the time) but there is an importance surrounding OYC’s attendance.

Youth Offer Consultation:

Sue Palfrey is Youth Lead at Oldham Council and works towards changing things after the amendments made to the Educational Act last year.

This will be directly and entirely youth led. Sue brought us some questionnaires to critique and compare.

These questionnaires will be used throughout the needs assessment, but due to the amendments, Sue would like our opinions.

We had a discussion about our thoughts on the questionnaires; there is Questionnaire A and Questionnaire B. In comparison, we saw that more people preferred A to B.

We thought that A provided a more inviting feeling, it had a better format, better wording and far more options.

We talked of changes that could be made, such as offering examples into the surveys to offer clarity.

Sue would like to come back to the next full meeting with our opinions and changes made to this questionnaires; which will be ready to roll out after our final check.

Motions to Full Council:

In light of the recent election, Chris handed out the Labour manifesto and asked us to pick out any particular points which could be made into a motion to full council.

This was a tennis thought conversation. We were throwing around thoughts and ideas to develop on later.

We went through, point by point, with a show of hands to show if we thought this point should be taken into consideration.

After discussing ideas, we had a conversation around what our potential ‘asks’ could be of the council. These will be developed in more detail when drafting said motions.

Chris recommended our next motion to be around raising the free school meals threshold and extending ‘HAF’ universally. Again, this will be developed further.

Events and trips:

These have been emailed to all YCllrs.

Many thanks to Leah who wrote these minutes 🙂