OYC minutes – 16/10/2024

Louie was acting chair today, since both the Chair and Vice Chair were unable to attend.

Turley/Muse Update:

Following our initial consultation on the 12th June, Muse have taken our opinions and put them into a PowerPoint, which will be presented to the Town Centre Board. Chris went through the draft PowerPoint for YCllrs to approve. This was approved unanimously. 

Herd Mentality:

YCllrs played the game ‘Herd Mentality’, led by Dayna.

Creativity/Public Speaking:

At the last Super Resi, YCllrs expressed that they want more help with their public speaking skills, especially when it comes to Youth Council elections.

Dayna ran games designed to develop YCllrs’ public speaking skills, and to challenge them.

Campaign devising:

YCllrs were asked to come up with a campaign idea in pairs, and then to develop their idea with other pairs in the hopes of creating a fully planned campaign.

The theme was food poverty.

We ended up with two campaigns which, with more thinking, we could combine into one.

This will be discussed more at a later meeting.

Events and trips:

25th October – Oldham 2030 Board Meeting.

31st October – crypt tour.

1st November – Scare City trip. (A trip to Spooky World is being organised for those who cannot attend Scare City).

19th October – football and tag rugby match against Oldham Police.


Dayna – there is a Listen to the Earth workshop on the 17th October (if attending it is where the priorities meeting used to be held.)