Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL2 1UT
0161 770 3116

Category: Featured

A Voice for Oldham's Children Looked After and Care Leavers

Young Voices Big Think Consultation

Bernie O Brian who is Principal Social Worker and Ann Fitzpatrick who works part of development academy, both came in to consult with the young people on social workers. Some …

CICC Young Voices Halloween Party 2018

During the October half term period, the Children in Care Council organised a Halloween party as part of a recruitment opportunity for younger people in care.  16 young people aged …

Corporate Parenting Development Day

During National Care Leavers Week (24-31 October), the Children in Care Council led a fascinating and insightful Corporate Parenting Away Day with the council, the Local Government Association and partners …

Oldham Councils Latest news release on Looked after Children and Care Leavers

Oldham’s looked after children and care leavers are stars in our eyes All of Oldham’s looked after children and care leavers have been celebrated during a blockbuster month of activity …

CICC VOICE Meeting Minutes 24.10.18

Young people planned the Corporate Parenting Development day, they went through how the day will run and what resources we need. Young people all had their input in what they …

Oldham Cares Locality Devolution Event

Our Aisha delivered a speech about her life experiences with health and social care at the Oldham Cares event. She told her story of how young people in care may …

Care Leavers Week

This week is about highlighting the needs of care leavers and encouraging the agencies responsible to work together to coordinate an effective response. We also want to raise public awareness …

CICC VOICE Meeting Minutes 17.10.18

GM Care Leavers Meeting Update – Young person who attended the meeting updated the young people about the round-table meeting with GM Mayor Andy Burnham and what was discussed. Young …

Care Leavers Roundtable Meeting with GM Mayor Andy Burnham

The Care Leavers Roundtable meeting took place on  17/10/2018 at 10am. The meeting was held to bring together multiple agencies in creating region wide guidelines and helping set a “minimum …

The Big Think Consultation

Bernie o Brian and Ann Fitzpatrick want to get young peoples views on the current service they get from social care in Oldham. A meeting has been set up for …