CICC Voice Meeting Minutes 02.05.18

Welcomes and Introductions. 


Jenny who is one of the IRo’s came in to speak to young people about the development day and any sugesstions they want to put forward. Young people suggested some ice breakers for the day and put their views across in regards to current IRO’s and how they feel about what IRO’s could do better. Jenny asked what a good/ideal IRO would look like the young people gave feedback as below: 

What does an ideal/good IRO look like?

  • Respectful
  • Clean, tidy
  • More visits- mid way
  • Build that relationship
  • Sit down and have a convo instead of taking out paper and making notes
  • ID badge – take it off
  • More relaxed – the better
  • Allocated social worker should give meeting notes and not be posted
  • Able to chair own meeting and get support from IRO’s


Lisa who is part of the LSCB team which is the Local Safegaurding Childrens Board, came to speak to young people about their website. They are currently having the website changed and she wanted views and opinions of young people and how they may want it. Young people took a look at the new one and suggested the following:

  • Looks better
  • User friendly
  • Pictures are good
  • More obvious sections
  • Snapchat – location awareness
  • Radicalisation
  • Jargon buster
  • Getting website links to other websites
  • Violent relationships – sexual health
  • Looked after children website
  • LGBTQ section – also flag
  • Phone numbers – who to contact/how to contact
  • Yellow subheading – heard to read
  • Languages
  • Bitesize – subheading – section – do links to create more links
  • Subheadings are FAQ

Colett who is also part of the LSCB team came to ask young people about a survey  and how it shall maybe be done. As they are looking to do a survey to gain a better understanding of what social media and games are mostly used/played. They intend to do a short 1 page survey that will be annonymous, young people agreed with this. 

A young person who is part of the interviewing panel for the Looked after Childrens Nurse role asked everyone what they would like to include as questions for her part of the interview. Young people gave suggestions.

Another young person spoke about the current issues with PA’s and how they are not seeing their PA as often as they would like. They feel as there is no support and the whole point of the PA’s was to be able to gain more suppport and see them more ofthen then they would see social workers. Young people spoke about not having a good passover. Young people want to look in to this and see what could be done after consulting with other care leavers. 


Thank you to all guests and young people for attending. 

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