Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL2 1UT
0161 770 3116

CICC VOICE Meeting Minutes 22.09.20

A Voice for Oldham's Children Looked After and Care Leavers

CICC VOICE Meeting Minutes 22.09.20

Young people spoke to Samantha who is the IRO manager about the IRO Pledge. Samantha shared the first draft of the IRO Pledge and spoke about young people giving their opinions. Young people went through the pledge and made suggestions about the changes that need to be made to make it young person friendly. Samantha said she attend another meeting at a later date to feedback the changes to the young people.

Nancy who is our Corporate Parenting Manager spoke to the young people about the upcoming Principal Social Worker interviews. Young people came up with some questions for the young people’s panel.

Overall brilliant meeting, some great discussions around the pledge and interview questions.

Thank you to all who attended.

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