CICC Northwest Regional Meeting 10.03.18

The CICC Northwest Regional meeting was held in Wigan, Young people from all over northwest come together to discuss issues that affect them within their Local Authorities. The meeting was started with a ice breaker as we always love ice breakers!

The Blackpool Game Changer Conference was the first thing on the agenda as young people discussed how they felt the conference went, what was good and what wasn’t good. Young people then discussed what they would and wouldn’t include in the next conference. Lots of new ideas were put forward by the young people which were great and the planning of the conference will be at the next meeting so will explore these ideas more. 

The young people did feedback about the conference report and how they would take the recommendations forward in their Local Authorities. In Oldham young people want to start by revamping the Looked After Children’s Pledge and include the 4 themes within the Pledge. 

The final bit of the meeting was the local updates and what work each authorities were currently doing. Young people shared this in there groups with other young people. 

The meeting went really well and look forward to planning the conference at the next meeting. 


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