Ally Conference
On 21st February 2017, at the Oldham Coliseum Theatre, Oldham Youth Council in partnership with Oldham Theatre Workshop hosted their first Ally Conference. The aim of the conference was to tackle prejudice and discrimination in Oldham.
Pupils for all high schools in Oldham were invited to attend and nearly 100 young people came together to come up with ideas to stop discrimination. The Mayor of Oldham opened the event, a great start as he is the only Mayor fro Peace in the UK. Other guest speakers included Gulwali Passarlay, a political refugee from Afghanistan, who came over to the UK as a child and wanted to share his story.
Oldham Youth Councillors and the young people from Oldham Theatre Workshop shared their experience of Poland and what they had learned about when discrimination is taken to the top of ‘pryamid of hate’ and turns into genocide.
The conference was also an ideal opportunity for Oldham Theatre Workshop to perform Nadzeija (Hope). This short ‘pop up’ performance was developed as part of the Listen to the Earth programme. It was performed both at the Centre for Dialogue and Prayer and the Galicia Museum in Kracow, for the righteous gentile Mirosława Gruszczyńska.
Finally the conference was used by Oldham Youth Council to launch their anti-discrimination film shorts ‘4 films, 1 script’
Check out the Storify from the day.
Tuesday 21st February 2017
Oldham Youth Council and Oldham Theatre Workshop invited schools from all over Oldham to come together and develop ideas to stop discrimination.
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