Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL2 1UT
0161 770 3116

Category: Featured

A Voice for Oldham's Children Looked After and Care Leavers

Young Voices Halloween Party

Young voices Halloween party took place on 31st October 2019 from 12:00pm till 3:00pm. We had over 20 young people aged between 7 up to 11 attend the party. Young …

NO CICC Meeting on 30th October 2019

Hi everyone, just to let you all know there will NOT be a CICC meeting on 30th October 2019. Our next meeting will now take place on the 6th November …

CICC VOICE Meeting Minutes 16.10.19

Cath Millington came in to speak to young people about the Young Inspectors programme. We had a visitor from Children’s Rights service, Lauren came to speak to the young people …

CICC VOICE Meeting Minutes 09.10.19

Young people discussed whether the meetings are working on the wednesday. Also whether the timings need to be changed so young people are able to easily attend a meeting. Young …

YOUNG VOICES Halloween Party 2019

The Children in Care Council has organised this day for the Young Voices group as part of a recruitment opportunity for the group. The Young Voices group is part of …


Oldham’s Children in Care Council have developed an idea to collect pieces of writing which will be used create a book on the experiences and journeys of children looked after …

CICC VOICE Meeting Minutes 02.10.19

Unfortunately both the Sharon’s were unable to make it to the meeting. Young people discussed the current issue with low numbers and how we could recruit more young people. Young …

CICC VOICE Meeting Minutes 25.09.19

Young people had Tamsyn Flynn come in to speak to them about health services. This tabled discussions around the different health services there are and how the young people feel …

CICC VOICE Meeting Minutes 11.09.19

Young people went to Met house to look at the new potential social care building. Young people gave ideas to make the building look and feel young people friendly. Young …

CICC VOICE Meeting Minutes 04.09.19

Young people were prepped to go to the Corporate Parenting Panel. Young people fedback what they have been up to and were able to challenge some of the different services, …