CICC Cared4NW Regional Meeting 09.02.19

Hi, Tia here again! On Saturday we went to an amazing Regional Cared 4 NW Meeting at Chester Race course.

We left rainy Oldham at 9 o’clock, and drove into sunny Chester. We were welcomed to the meeting with refreshments (enjoyed by all) and we had fidget toys provided which was a good way to help minimise disruption. We were also provided with a jargon card (Which was a fantastic idea) that we could hold up if we didn’t understand what was being discussed. This allowed everyone at the meeting to be as involved as fully as possible.

The meeting was extremely interactive, with music to help set the mood.

Francis from Become spoke to us about Cause and effect. A brave young person talked about issues that she was having in her own life and we tried to apply the cause and effect rules to her problems, teaching us how we could use it ourselves.

Francis also talked about who we should contact if we were ever to have any queries and he gave us a number and website that we could easily access.

We split into groups and talked about issues regarding family time, consistency, feeling safe and trust with professionals.

My focus was trust with professionals and we talked about how we can use PESEO in order to conquer some of the issues.





Own part

I came up with the slogan “TRUST IS MUTUAL” which is a one line slogan that all professionals should take on board which helps everyone understand what children looked after and care leavers want from professionals.

After presenting our ideas I was nominated as the leader of Trust with professionals campaigns within the following meetings and I delivered a presentation on what we want to happen to help us trust professionals.

I got a massive praise for my participation. Can’t wait to take some of the issues we discussed to our next corporate parenting panel.

Next meeting can’t come soon enough.

By Tia Henderson

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