CICC Voice Meeting Minutes 30.06.18

Young people looked at the Annual Care Survey and went through each question to see if the questions make sense and how the young people can respond to these. Young people gave feedback about each question and changed it as needed. 

Helen came in from Healthy Young Minds to discuss what young people feel the specialised Looked After Service may need. Young people gave suggests such as a drop in service for care leavers, Counselling in schools, how designated teachers maybe need to be trained more and on board when working with young people. Young people discussed out of hours options and how there needs to be more emphasis on what good mental health looks like and what bad looks like to gain a better understanding of mental health itself. Young people gave lots of ideas and suggestions for Helen and her team to look at. 

Young people were reminded about the Aftercare Survey and if it applies to them to complete it.

Thank you to all who attended.

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