The Team provides support, advice and guidance to young people previously been in the care of the local authority aged 16-21 years, and up to 25 years if in agreed course of education or university. The team work with care leavers helping them to plan for their future and make the transition into adulthood.
What we do:
- The Pathway Plan developed with by your Social Worker will become our responsibility and we will work with you to see that it both meets your assessed needs, you are supported and your agreed actions are carried out.
- Your Social Worker will work in partnership with you helping you to develop the skills necessary to live independently.
- You know best what you would like to do with your life it’s important that you are involved in any decision making.
- We can offer you support and advice for what you want to do.
- There will be an Independent Reviewing Officer to chair your review meetings.
What can we support and advise you about?
- We work closely with First Choice Homes, local housing associations and supported accommodation providers, such as Porter Street and supported lodgings to help you find the available accommodation that best meets your needs.
- We can work with you and with local support agencies to make sure that you are offered the support you need to sustain your accommodation.
Education, Employment and Training
- We can help you access help around employment, education and training.
- Help you access Oldham Council’s traineeship scheme for young people who have been in care.
- We can help to support young people to register and access Get Oldham Working (GOW).
Health and development
- Help to access health services like G.P.’s and Dentists
- Access to advice about emotional wellbeing, relationships and sexual education
- We can support you to become involved in a range of positive activities that you enjoy
Family and social relationships
- We can offer help and support around contact with your family
Financial support
- We can help you to access the financial support you are entitled to while you put your plan into action
- We can offer advice around how to manage money and budgeting
Practical support
- Advise with practical skills; decorating your flat, opening a bank account or applying for benefits
- Advice on how to shop on a budget and how to cook cheap but healthy meals
- Act as an Advocate