Internal Inspection:
Young people were made aware that we shall have people that work within the council come in to the meeting and carry out an inspection it might be that they sit and watch or it could be that they ask questions either way young people were to just be themselves and truthful.
Young people went through the website and checked if the links worked or not, young people all agreed they liked it and that its looking really good.
Welcome to Care Pack:
Young people to develop a package around how young people could get their voices heard. Young people agreed on a welcome to care pack and discussed what should be in it; –
- Stress ball – “use your voice”, CICC, Corporate colour
- Sweets
- CICC Pens
- Coasters
- YP guide to contact
- Pocket money matters
- Complaints – how to make it leaflet
- Children’s right service
- CICC leaflet
- Info about Review meetings
- School info designated teacher
- Jargon buster – with pictures
- YP understanding everyone’s role and who they are
Peer-Review Meeting:
Professionals from within the council came in and had discussions with young people in regards to Children in Care Council and what they have been involved in.
Closure and Goodbyes
Thank you to all who attended