Care Leavers Information

Making the transition from leaving care into adulthood may seem daunting, even scary, but we hope the following information helps and reassures you on your journey into independence.

We are committed to ensuring that you have access to the same life opportunities as young people who haven’t experienced the care system. To do this, we offer a wide range of support to make the transition easier. Please visit the sections below or follow the link to find out how we can help you:


Who are the Post 16 Care Leaving Team?

   Who are the post 16 care leaving team?

Care Leavers

Who is classed as a care leaver? How can you get support? What support is offered?

   Care Leavers guide to support

Passport to Independence 

This is a guide for all Care Leavers to be able to use to get information on Housing, Money, Health, Education and other important information that young people could use.

   Passport to Independence

Pathway Planning

What is a Pathway Plan? What happens then? Why should I be involved? What will be in the plan?

   Guide to Pathway Planning

Support for Care Leavers 21-25

Are you thinking about returning to education or training? What is meant by a programme of education or training? How to get support?How long will the support last? What if don’t want to resume education or training?

   Care Leavers resuming education or Training post 21

Finance Links

   Money Matters – Guide to what financial assistance is available

   Know your rights, Know your benefits

   Budget Planner – From the Money Advice Service

Housing and Accommodation

   Staying Put – A guide for young people

   Accommodation – Info for looked after young people and care leavers

Health Links

   Find your local GP

   Find your local dentist


If you have a compliment, comment or complaint about the service you have received, we are keen to hear from you.  However, if you feel that your After Care Social Worker isn’t listening to you or you have a general complaint, contact the 16+ Team Manager in the first instance.

If you need support to make a complaint contact The Children’s Rights Service.

If you are not satisfied then there is a formal complaints procedure to be followed.  You can contact the Complaints Team on 0161 770 1152 or visit the Council website at

   If you have something to say

   Have your say

Freepost – RRGY-TJSR-GHGZ (no stamp needed)
Complaints and Representations Officer
Level 8, Civic Centre PO Box 40
West Street Oldham, OL1 1XU
Phone: 0161 770 1129 or 0161 770 5292
Email: [email protected]

Useful Contacts

After Care Team – 0161 770 6598

Children’s Rights Service – 0161 633 5991

First Choice Homes – 0161 393 7117

Emergency Duty Team – 0161 770 6936

Positive Steps – 0161 621 9300

You can also send an email to the Post 16 Leaving Care Team [email protected]


Oldham Council sometimes has to collect information about people so we can provide services to those who need them.  When using information about you, we will respect your confidentiality and your legal rights under the Data Protection Act.

If you would like this information in another language, Braille, LARGE PRINT or audio please contact your Social Worker.