Hi, my name is Tia and well Corporate parenting awareness week has just passed and the CICC have been really busy, promoting corporate parenting.
Tuesday morning we were based at the staff entrance and the civic entrance handing out our Z cards and starting off our corporate parenting awareness week!
We had many enthusiastic council staff who wanted to find out more on our children’s champions scheme.
Then were based on Level 4 where we held a drop in session and recruited more people to become children’s champions. We went around to the different offices and talked about what a good corporate parent means to Children Looked After and care leavers. I went to Comms and Policy and shared one of my experiences And we showed a video of one of our current Champions and a member of CICC to help new members understand what a young person and champion can gain from the experience.
On Wednesday we went to the staff conference and had a stall where we were able to reach out and inform many corporate parents of how they can include the principles of corporate parenting into their different areas of work.
We then went to the Health and Well being board and I spoke about what we had been doing so far to raise awareness and other young people talked more on the children’s champion scheme.
Afterwards we had went to Corporate parenting panel where many important things were discussed and we were all glad to discuss what a good corporate parent means to us.
On Thursday we started by going to Southlink where we spoke to many different social workers and then we went to Rock street where we spoke to some IRO’s and in total we recruited around 40 more Children’s Champions.
Later in the afternoon we Held a drop in session where we talked to Elected members about how important we feel it is that they become champions and what we have gained from the last couple of days.
We were all continuously praised for our efforts and I was thanked for speaking in front of people and I very much appreciate it!
It’s amazing to see so many people willing to learn about how they can incorporate the principles of a corporate parent into their job.
Thank you to everyone who signed up to be a champion and to everyone who listened to us and helped us promote awareness of corporate parenting!
Well done everyone!
by Tia Henderson
Please could you send me the contact details of the person who organises the childrens champions scheme within Oldham Council? Thanks
I have forwaded your details to Bernadette Deakin who leads on the children champions scheme.