Oldham’s Children in Care Council have developed an idea to collect pieces of writing which will be used create a book on the experiences and journeys of children looked after and care leavers in Oldham. The book will capture these in many creative ways.

The CiCC would like to gather these from all young people looked after and Care leavers in Oldham to ensure all voices are included. The books will then be sold and will raise funds for young people’s events or further opportunities.

These creative pieces can take any form – Poetry, lyrics, stories or even images and doodles which can be part of the book. No piece of writing is to small!

If young people want their writing/creative pieces involved in this book they can send them to me or through their social workers/Carers/a professional to my email [email protected].

I am also more than happy to visit and speak with young people if they would like any more information.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me on 0161 770 3120 if there is anything you would like to know further.

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