Aisha Mehreen – Young People’s Benchmarking Forum Event 2018

The YPBMF event was very good because it gave an insight on how budgeting and money is distributed in different boroughs. It also gave an insight on how money affects young people across the country. It was a good event as it wasnt too boring and was young person friendly. 

Speaking to the different boroughs also highlited what other local authorities have on offer for care leavers within their boroughs. Gathering this information it was clear that many young people have different needs and maybe budgeting should be used in accordance to their needs. 

We did an activity around the ASDAN workbook, which is like a living independently short course and helps you to budget and understand living independently. However, it was a boring activity and not very fun to complete. 

We also spoke to different local authorities about what they have to offer to their young people. This was a really good activity and we was able to share ideas. It gave a good insight of how different boroughs are using their money for their care leavers. 

The budgeting game was a really fun activity because it gave the upside and downside of having money and how quickly it could get spent without even realising.

It was a really good event and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

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